Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC-CNR)


  • Development and utilization of models, tools and methodologies for the observation of atmosphere;
  • Development of instrumentation and innovative methodologies to measure meteorological parameters;
  • Ground- and satellite-based remote sensing of meteorological processes and micro-meteorological phenomena;
  • Assimilation of observational data in models and physical interpretation of atmospheric processes.

Address: Via Piero Gobetti, 101 – 40129 BOLOGNA

Phone: +39 (0)516399626 [Root+ext]

Fax: +39 (0)516399658

Research Unit Responsible: Dr.ssa Elisa ADIROSI


Members of the Research Unit

Adirosi Elisa 064993 4326
Argentini Stefania 064993 4350
Baldini Luca 064994 4325
Campanelli Monica 064993 4344
Casasanta Giampietro 064993 4295
Casella Daniele 064993 4267
Cattani Elsa 0516398 060
Costabile Francesca 064993 4288
Dietrich Stefano 064993 4354
Federico Stefano 064993 4209
Laviola Sante 0516398 019
Montopoli Mario 064993 4324
Panegrossi Giulia 064993 4274
Prestileo Fernanda 064993 4314
Sanò Paolo 064993 4337
Transerici Claudio 064993 4277