National Laboratory of Advanced Optical Fibers for Photonics

The National Laboratory of Advanced Optical Fibers for Photonics (FIBERS) gives access to a living testbed for experiments in the area of optical communications. It relies on the unique fiber-optic infrastructure developed in the city of L’Aquila within project INCIPICT  ( This infrastructure includes two optical rings. The shorter ring of about 6 km is deployed in the urban underground multi-service tunnel and consists of about 100 km of three types of multi-core fibers for Space-Division Multiplexed (SDM) transmission: four-core coupled-core (about 70 km) and uncoupled-core (about 20 km) fibers for medium-to-long reach, and eight-core uncoupled-core fibers for short reach (about 10 km). The longer ring of about 20 km consists of about 200 km of multi-mode fibers for SDM able to support up to fifteen spatial modes, as well as of several thousands of single-mode fibers. The capacity of both rings can be further increased through the deployment of additional fibers.

The infrastructure of FIBERS Lab is the world-first installation of fibers for SDM transmission, one of the most promising approaches to scale the capacity of existing photonic networks. Its main mission is to support the experimentation of a wide range of schemes and technologies for fiber-optic transmission, including secure transmission based on classic and quantum cryptography, an active research area of increasing interest.

The experimental infrastructure includes a state-of-the-art photonics laboratory located in the rectorate’s building in the city center of L’Aquila.

Laboratory building: Università Degli Studi Dell’Aquila, Palazzo Camponeschi, Piazza Santa Margherita 2 – 67100  L’AQUILA

Director: Prof. Cristian Antonelli

Valorization Committee:

  • Andrea Galtarossa, UdR Padova (contact person)
  • Luigi Atzori, UdR Cagliari
  • Gabriella Bosco, UdR Politecnico di Torino


Contacts: E-mail: cristian.antonelli[AT], Phone: +39 0862 43 3027


Afferents to National Laboratory of Advanced Optical Fibers for Photonics (FIBERS)

Antonelli Cristian 086243 3027
Marotta Andrea
Mecozzi Antonio 086243 4460


Affiliated to National Laboratory of Advanced Optical Fibers for Photonics (FIBERS)

Boffi Pierpaolo 022399 8923
Bononi Alberto
Carena Andrea
Cassioli Dajana 086243 4452
Castoldi Piero
Cincotti Gabriella
Cucinotta Annamaria 0521905 765
Fichera Silvia
Gatto Alberto 022399 8926
Gaudino Roberto
Graziosi Fabio 086243 4445
Martelli Paolo 022399 8940
Palmieri Luca 049827 7785
Parolari Paola 022399 8941
Poggiolini Pierluigi
Poli Federica 0521905 766
Rosa Lorenzo 0592056 332
Sambo Nicola
Santagiustina Marco 049827 7717
Santucci Fortunato 086243 4604
Serena Paolo
Sgambelluri Andrea
Vincetti Luca 0592056 189