University of Brescia


Research in the field of Signal Processing and Communication is conducted on fundamentals of

  • signal theory and communication theory (in particular approximation theory, blind equalization, advanced modulation and coding systems), including information theory aspects;
  • digital signal processing and machine learning techniques applied to multimedia and multidimensional signals (with specific expertise for image and video compression, analysis and representation of multimedia content, including feature extraction, image and volume segmentation, tracking of moving objects in video signals, semantic information retrieval and affective content characterization and recommendation, digital audio processing) for the design of innovative telecommunication services with applications also in medical imaging and/or surveillance;
  • networking (performance analysis of wireless networks at the physical and medium access control layers, development of mechanisms for traffic analysis in high speed networks, and security in mobile networks)

The research unit of Electromagnetic fields and Photonics  (  conducts forefront research on the following subjects:

  • optical communications theory (novel modulation schemes, soliton propagation for information transport and processing, multiplexing and demultiplexing, novel devices and waveguides, optical signal amplification);
  • theory and experiments of optical propagation in conventional and unconventional fibers: single and multi-mode optical fibers, micro-structured and photonic crystal fibers working in the linear and nonlinear regimes;
  • theoretical investigation of novel paradigms for optical frequency conversion: second and third harmonic generation from centrosymmetric and non-centrosymmetric materials, design of innovative optical components aimed at reducing sizes and thresholds of nonlinear processes;
  • devices and systems for integrated optical communications: graphene photonics and nanophotonics for optical signal processing;
  • devices and systems for radio-frequency propagation: signal transmission and reception, transmission channel analysis; evaluation of the radio coverage and legislation on electromagnetic pollution.

Address: Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Via Branze, 38 – 25123 BRESCIA

Phone: +39 (0)30 371 5469   [030 371 + ext]

Fax:   + 39 (0)30 380 014

Research Unit Responsible: Prof. Domenico DE CEGLIA

University Representative in the Shareholders’ Assembly: Prof. Renato LO CIGNO


Members of the Research Unit

Adami Nicola 5902
Baggi Daniela
Baronio Fabio 5911
Benini Sergio 5528
Carletti Luca
Cominelli Marco
Dalai Marco 5847
De Angelis Costantino 5901
De Ceglia Domenico
Gandolfi Marco
Ghiro Lorenzo
Gnutti Alessandro
Gringoli Francesco 5843
Guerrini Fabrizio 5457
Leonardi Riccardo 5434
Lo Cigno Renato
Locatelli Andrea 5512
Mansini Renata 5448
Migliorati Pierangelo 5433
Modotto Daniele 5588
Moghaddam Mahyar Gohari
Nigru Alemu Sisay
Raza Shabbir
Rocco Davide 5875
Signoroni Alberto 5432
Vincenti Maria Antonietta