University of Siena

Expertise: Research activities of the Siena Research Unit are relevant to the following areas: Optimization of next generation wireless cellular networks integrating ad-hoc and multi-hop Communications; Visual information processing and multimedia security, with a particular emphasis on the protection and authentication of visual information; Wireless communications, sensor networks and VoIP systems; Remote Sensing Image Processing; Satellite Systems and Mobile Networks for Telecommunications; Deep Learning and its applications to Signal and Image Processing for Intelligent Transportation Systems, medical diagnosis, and SMART Cities; EM Modeling and simulation of innovative antenna and/or Microwave systems; Metamaterial and metasurfaces development, analysis and design with applications to space antennas; Analysis and design of radio frequency circuit and systems with with applications to wireless network sensors devices and IoT.

Address: Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’informazione e scienze matematiche, Via Roma, 56 – 53100 SIENA

Phone:  +39 (0)577 23 3601  [0577 23 4850 + ext]

Fax: +39 0577 233 602

Research Unit Responsible: Prof. Giovanni GIAMBENE

University Representative in the Shareholders’ Assembly: Prof. Marco MUGNAINI

Members of the Research Unit

Abrardo Andrea 057723 5866
Albani Matteo 057723 5882
Andreadis Alessandro 057723 5015
Barni Mauro 057723 5883
Garzelli Andrea 057723 5879
Giambene Giovanni 057723 5894
Maci Stefano 057723 5987
Malvezzi Monica 057723 5988
Mecocci Alessandro 057723 5989
Mugnaini Marco 057723 5969
Palmucci Silvia
Pozzebon Alessandro 057723 3702
Pozzi Maria
Pratticchizzo Domenico
Rossi Davide 057723 3707
Tamang Dinesh
Toccafondi Alberto 057723 5997
Tondi Benedetta