CNIT workshop in Seoul on research in Italy

In the framework of the events related to the Science&Technology sector of “Italy in Korea” program, CNIT held on October 23, 2008 in Seoul the conference “Telecom Research in Italy: CNIT Presentation Workshop” at the Shilla Seoul Hotel, with 4 presentations by CNIT leaders as per the attached program.

The conference was organized in Seoul by CNIT because Korea is a world leader country in the field of ICT, and was therefore of utmost importance for Italy to consolidate bilateral cooperation with Korea. The representatives of CNIT were at the highest level, being the President prof. Giancarlo Prati, Director prof. Silvano Pupolin, Vice President Prof. Enrico Del Re and Prof. Giovanni Emanuele Corazza, a member of the Scientific Council of  CNIT.
The purpose of the conference was the presentation of CNIT research activities results and the future programs. In particular, emphasis was placed on presenting opportunities for joint research projects in Europe, being CNIT promoter of such programs.
An immediate fallout of interest has been several requests  by Korean universities about the possibility of joining CNIT in view of joint participation in European research programs of the 7th Framework Program.

The conference then went on the thematic workshop “2008 Korea-Italy Bilateral Workshop on Photonics for Communication and Sensing”, which ended on October 24.

Newspapers and Korean websites in English and Korean language reported the news of conferences, and an interview with Prof. Giancarlo Prati, President of CNIT, was collected and published by the Korea Times.

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Program of CNIT-Korea meeting

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