SESAMO Project

“Soluzioni integrate di Smart Mobility per l’ultimo miglio: treno+taxi sharing”
funded by Regione Lazio, POR FESR 2014 – 2020, A0111 – 2016-13186 del 21/11/2016
Avviso Pubblico “Mobilità sostenibile ed intelligente”


CNIT, in cooperation with Trenitalia S.p.A. and Sharigo S.r.L. is participating to a R&D project, funded by POR FESR 2014 – 2020 Regione Lazio in the field of smart and sustainable mobility.

The SESAMO project has the main goal of realizing a Proof of Concept of all the technological components designed and developed to provide a taxi/train sharing integrated and intermodal solution of the last mile of train passengers.

The project will design and develop the following SW components:

  1. A web based front-end to plan, book and pay the train/taxi service
  2. A logistic engine for the optimal matching of several requests into a single taxi sharing ride
  3. A web-based platform to interact with taxi fleets.