The AI4Debunk project is starting

29 January 2024|Projects

The project AI4Debunk ( is a four-year innovation action, launched in January 2024 and funded by the European Union (EU) through the Horizon Europe Programme. The project brings together an interdisciplinary consortium of 13 partners from eight Countries towards a shared mission: to support trustworthy online activity by providing citizens with human-centered AI-powered tools to fight disinformation.

Partners who will participate are: University of Latvia (Latvia) – project coordinator, EURACTIV, Pilot4DEV, University of Mons (Belgium), Internews Ukraine (Ukraine), National Research Council of Italy, University of Florence (Italy), CNIT (Italy), Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Spain), DOTSOFT (Greece), University of Galway, F6S Innovation (Ireland), University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, INNoVaTiVe POWER (Netherlands). Involving various stakeholders, from media professionals to software developers and AI experts, this new EU project takes a holistic approach to fighting disinformation through Human-AI collaboration.

CNIT takes part in the project with the Research Unit (RU) of Florence and Roberto Caldelli will be responsible for CNIT activity. The CNIT RU will work on the definition and the development of AI-based solutions for images and videos deepfake detection.

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