CNIT National Laboratory RaSS
Project funded within the POR CREO FESR 2014-2020 framework
Challenge RS 2 2017 – Research and development projects of MSME

Scientific Responsible: Prof. Luca Facheris


CNIT, in co-operation with Eldes S.r.l., Pasquali Microwave Systems S.r.l., NETFARM S.r.l. , CNR-IBIMET and financially supported by the Tuscany Region POR CreO FESR is involved in a research and development project which aims at the definition and set-up of a radar system for monitoring, classification and short-time prediction of precipitation events, with particular emphasis to severe/extreme events which may occur over urban areas or small basins.

The main project objective is the design of a monitoring, classification and alarm system for intense/severe precipitation events that may develop over urban areas or small rural basins, based on a network of advanced, low-power miniradars. A prototype X-band weather radar system will be designed and developed for this application, coherently with the recommendations of Industria 4.0, merging system innovation and technological design with the development of ad hoccomponents.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • Development of a fully polarimetric X-band weather radar based on low-power solid state components, that generate electromagnetic emissions within the limits allowed to operate in densely populated areas;
  • Design of the radar system aimed at reducing dimensions, costs and energy consumption, while keepeng appropriate performance levels;
  • Design of the remote control system through SMART-type remote terminals based on Web browser. In addition, coherently with the requirements posed by Industria 4.0, it must allow the operators to intervene remotely for any required system modification or optimization at both firmware software level;
  • Development of algorithms for nowcasting and classification of hydrometeors at the microscale, and for mosaicking the miniradar network;
  • Development of signal and data processing algorithms for short-scale and high resolution applications.