Antonella Bogoni presents the Project ROAM on QN

8 February 2017|News, Press, Projects

Sunday, February 5, 2017, exactly two years after the start of the activity, it has appeared on the National newspaper “La Nazione” an article by Prof. Antonella Bogoni of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, introducing the Project ROAM coordinated by CNIT, and its innovative “silicon chips”.

ROAM, an acronym for “Revolutionising optical fibre transmission and networking using the Orbital Angular Momentum of light”, is a highly innovative research project financed by the European Community within the Horizon 2020 program, and coordinated by the CNIT’s National Laboratory of Photonic Networks under the guidance of Prof. Bogoni.

The goal of the project is the “writing” and the use of special and innovative silicon chips, inside which the light can travel, able to impress, recognize and manipulate a very special property of light itself: the orbital angular momentum.

This property, as explained in the article, can be used as a new aggregation domain of the data that are transported by the light, allowing for a faster Internet in the future.

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