RESTART Grand Challenges: the point of view of young researchers

  The “RESTART Grand Challenges” present the main research problems of the future telecommunications that the programme addresses from the point of view of new technologies and systems. They cut across disciplines and application domains and show how the necessary innovation requires skills and creativity in different sectors. Through a series of short interviews, young researchers discuss with Lorenzo

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Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Electromagnetism achieved at a public university member of the CNIT (2023 Edition)

The Evaluation Commission evaluated the received applications received and declared Dr. Giulio Maria Bianco the winner of the Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Electromagnetism achieved at a public university member of the CNIT (2023 Edition). The winner obtained his Doctorate from the University of Rome Tor Vergata and proposed for evaluation his doctoral thesis in the course

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Photonics in Switching and Computing 2023 – Extended Submission deadline

The Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC) conference welcomes you to Mantova, Italy in September 2023. PSC is a unique conference which addresses all aspects of optical networks including: i) optical systems and subsystems, ii) optical components and devices, and iii) network control and management for telecom, datacom, high performance computing (HPC), and big data. The main focus is

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Free online course in Photonics Innovation

CNIT is hosting a free PhotonHub online introductory course in Photonics Innovation. Register now and discover all training sessions by experts from the leading competence centres across Europe: PhotonHub is a pan-European photonics digital innovation hub that helps SMEs & mid-caps to become highly competitive digital businesses through photonics-based technologies.

5G Italy 2022, the fifth edition

5G Italy, the international conference promoted and organised by CNIT, reaches its 5th edition and is once again the most significant event in Italy about 5G and its several application areas. The fifth edition of 5G Italy – Towards the Telecoms of the future –  will cover the research, development, and implementation activities currently under way in Italy and

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The RING project at the 1st EU DEFENCE INNOVATION DAY in Brussels

The Radar and Surveillance Systems National Laboratory of CNIT has presented the EDA RING project at the 1st EU DEFENCE INNOVATION DAY in Brussels. The RING project received the compliments of Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Head of the EDA