The RING project at the 1st EU DEFENCE INNOVATION DAY in Brussels

The Radar and Surveillance Systems National Laboratory of CNIT has presented the EDA RING project at the 1st EU DEFENCE INNOVATION DAY in Brussels. The RING project received the compliments of Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Head of the EDA  

TeraSlice at EIC Summit 21

Join us in Brussels at the EIC Summit 21, a conference organised by the European Commission showcasing the accomplishments and pioneering results of research & innovation projects funded by the European Union.  See our e-booth and come visit our stand!

Final workshop of the SENSOR Project

CNIT, partner of the regional project SENSOR (“NEW REAL TIME SENSORS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF CHEMICAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL CONTAMINATIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL MATRICS AND BIOMEDICS), co-funded under the POR CREO FESR 2014-2020, reports that on 29 July 2021 will hold the final workshop of the project in which you can participate by registration as indicates in the attached poster.

MetaWireless Early Stage Researchers

The Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT), Laboratory of the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy, is seeking to appoint two high-calibre Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to join the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network on ‘Future Wireless Communications Empowered by Reconfigurable Intelligent Meta-Surfaces’ (MetaWireless). To apply, see the attached Job Description, and send the Application Form and

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ACTPHAST4R Project: a new monitoring system to save tons of wasted food

ACTPHAST4R is a Horizon2020 project that offers a single streamlined way to access 200 of the best experts and technologies from 24 of Europe’s leading photonics research institutes, covering the entire supply chain to accelerate breakthroughs towards prototype, and beyond into mass manufacturing. ACTPHAST4R is specifically designed to providing access to researcher to the advanced photonics technology platforms in

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TERABOARD paves the way to a high bandwidth density low power consumption integrated photonic interconnection for chip-to-chip and board-to-board communications

TERABOARD (High bandwidth density and scalable optically interconnected Terabit/s Board), EU project granted in 2015, during 48 months of developments has solved a number of challenges regarding high bandwidth density communications in a high confinement scenario, such as advanced datacom systems in data centers, as required by Ericsson, STM and Nokia. Silicon photonics active devices, developed by imec, were

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Selection for the assignment of n.6 scholarships for Technicians expert in Research within the training course on topics related to enabling technologies

(Identification Code: CNT 01_00176_166195 – CUP: B52G14000190001) “ITS-ITALY 2020/Formazione” is a project that aims at training high level researchers in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems. Selected trainees will acquire expertise that will be spent to producing innovative technology that will help the industrial development in the field of mobility and transports.